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dikhead110's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 29.09.2012, Hosting an adult party @ a friends house in LeedsBatley and Looking 4 females and couples to the party. We are both fit, straight black guys.

RE:dikhead110's Quick Meet

guess no one is going

RE:RE:dikhead11****'s Quick Meet

guess no one is going

And they all sooo gagging and desperate and love bbc, where they all now? Wouldnt know a bbc if it walked up and slapped em round the face
They prob thought the pic was his leg lol, , good luck my two black beauties, lilycandy ,, sweet ass , go fill it girl xxx

RE:RE:RE:dikhead11****'s Quick Meet

if it makes u feel better i would have loved to go if i was in the area. whose the other guy?

RE:RE:RE:RE:dikhead11****'s Quick Meet

if it makes u feel better i would have loved to go if i was in the area. whose the other guy?

And I would have been up a tree in ur garden perving through the window!! lol x