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justfun26's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 07.09.2012, Hey, hoping for a short meet tomoro (Friday) night at my home town, need someone male who, please only comment if your in the area, see you soon xox


Hmmm my message didn't come up right, was meant to say 'someone who can travel', o and its deleted my location lol-I'm in North Wales area, close to Bagilt-that's all for now ;) xox


Hi sexy, I think i'm available what time where you thinking?


hi i would be interested in meeting up with you


Reiss yourlil bit too far away for this one, sparks I'm kinda sorted I think buuttt would you be available MondayTuesday nite? xox


Possibly, can you send me a private message so we can text or chat to arrange.


I'd be interested in joining you, am not too far away.

free tonight?

are you free tonight? 29 m oraly bi


available now if you are interested? x


Yea sure why not, meet you out the back in 5mins lmao!! Your nowhere near us anyway hun xox

Would luv to

Id love to cum round sometime, u in liverpool? xximg src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"