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sexysezanrob's Quick Meet

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Event dates: 06.07.2012, 07.07.2012, 08.07.2012, 14.07.2012, 15.07.2012, Wanted adult photographer to take intimate hardcore pictures of mf cpl. Drop us an email if U can help xx


Hi I'm a very keen amerture photographer who knows and confident with my equipment check ig out
Got canon 7D lens and flash so more than enuff to take those pics you want, stauing up in Manchester this weekend, do let me know x


Hi I am very interested please tell me what you would like me to do when and where anything to do with sex I love thank you bye-bye kiss kissimg src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

hi love to take pic:s

hi i would love to take photos video


Hi, I'd be interested in helping you out, done a degree course in photography and photographed weddings portraits in the past, own a Nikon D300 digital slr, and can review pics instantly and transfer direct to your pc.most Adjustable file size available as websites wont allow large files to upload, just like to ask a few Q's.... have you thought about the type of pics you want,ie. do you want POV type shots, full body or a mix, indoor outdoor, mood lighting to create atmosphere, black n white, sepia, or just full colour? I ask about the lighting as I'd need to bring some portable studio type lighting for mood shots. If you are interested, I'd be happy to supply contact details and meet up to have a chat n a coffee.
Let me know
Kind regards


We have emailed u x

Now found

We would like to thank you all for yr replys and willings to help. We have now found a photographer