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Well I had planned on posting a hopefully interesting little video for those with interests in prostate massage and male orientated anal toy but looks like I may need to use words to paint those pictures as my phones video format isn't compatible with the site.

Being a bit of a fan of prostate toys I was very interested when I stumbled on something a little different, whilst there are plenty of vibrating massagers but the Nexus Revo has an additional twist. The insertable section of the toy is about 3" long 0.75" across at its widest point and covered in a matt finished silicon rubber. The top inch of this is different though, first there is a section where there feels to me an open void behind the rubber bepfore the silicone firms up for the tip. The reason for this strange feeling construction is the hidden in the shaft is a geared mechanical drive which causes the tip to rotate around in a slow circle taking approximately 3s with a front to back travel of around 12". For me at least this gives a very different set of sensations to those produced by the prostate vibrators. Personally I would recommend anyone with an interest in these sorts of toys to have a search on the net and check out some of the product videos out there and seriously consider getting one. Although for those of you with a little patience may also consider waiting as Nexus are already suggesting a Revo 2 may be launched later this year.