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soft swing???

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always thought soft swing meant couples who have sex with own partners which we as a couple prefer and bi fem just with the women parthpaiting in each other but pple seem to want to go the extra mile even after telling them you only into own partners, i maybe wrong but there are couples out there who would prefer this and not anything else wouldnt you aggree.

whats soft swapping

general terms it means that couples will get together and swap for foreplay but penetrative sex does not take place between the swapped partners, full sex will only take place between partners.

If you use the keyword search you'll find loads of contacts that are only looking for soft swaps .....and just like you as well with a bifem partner

RE:soft swing???

Don't forget that some single guys are into soft swing fun too. Mind you I have a similar problem. Most of the couples I chat with see me as a challenge and want to see if they can tempt me into going all the way