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Male wanted

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Male to fuck infront of BF and cant be camera shy! In llantrisant area near cardiff within the next week. Very hot bi girl to ride a stallion soon....older men and well endowed a pref but not a must...get in touch! img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons005.gif"

RE:Male wanted


I am in Cardiff next week and would be willing to fuck you.


RE:RE:Male wanted

I'm available ;-) single from Newport and able to travel.
Pics and some info on profile.
Get back to me to let me know what you think and to ask for more info.

Speak Soon.

RE:Male wanted

Himy name is marty, I am very interested in meeting up i live in Newport, I visit Chams in Newport when I'm back in the Uk, I am very laid back and easy to get on with, hope to hear from you.

RE: Male Wanted

Hi, live in newport and can travel. x

Hi twohorney2011

Hey there twohorney2011,
Only live a few miles from Llantrisant so can be there at short notice.
I'm an older guy who doesn't mind fucking women in front of their husbandsbf. Done it before and loved it, so will do it again some time.
Take a look at my profile and see what you think....drop me a line
Hope to speak to you soon,

RE:RE:Male wanted

willing???!!! If you were a little more polite and or graceful it might get you a little further. Please use basic manners when replying.


Hi guys wud love to join u am in Bristol

RE:Male wanted

Hi I am 57 but look a lot younger. have 7 inches of lovely cock for you, would love to meet and perform for you can get away most days as am a contractor, am married to a lovely lady, wish she was into this too.I am 5 oot 7 inches medium to slim build and very fit. love oral and love to lick my wifes ass, is this what you want, am willing to do anything even dress in your girls underwear while we fuck hertext me in morngs about 10 am is best

RE: Male wanted

Im free to pop over the bridge this week img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"


Hay twohorney2011

How you doing ?
I live in llantrisant if you want to pop in for a cuppa lol

hi there

Hi hun im not to far away from you drop me a line if you like and we can chat

RE:hi there

yeah mayb get in touch!

Dorchester gang bang!

Lisa is gagging for lots of cock and some pussy, we live in Dorchester Dorset. If your near by within 50 mls and free on Thurs 2nd Feb and can accommodate. Do you fancy a day of hot dirty nasty fucking? Has to be day due to working nights. Can we meet at your place? Reply with body and face pick so we can check you out.

Hope to fuck you soon. J & Lisa xx


hi im not to far away aswell would love to chat and meet for coffee first

You still looking ?


I'm a young hot guy and would be really interested in meeting up if you guys are still looking ?x

Young Stallion!

Im definatly up for this and not one bit camera shy! let me know if your intrested


R u still looking I'm in cardiff for about 2 weeks and can do early evenings about4.30ishimg src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

RE:Male wanted

hi luv to cum fuck u im not shy got a long cock always hard i got a bi gf too we are free sat mornin

meet sat mornin

hi luv to have sum 4sum fun on sat

RE:Male wanted

Hi gorgeous, I live very close, would love to meet up. A liable any weekday after 6 and all day on the weekends

This week

Hey there,

I'm Mike, a strong, confident young guy from Bridgend. I've performed in front of BFs before and very much enjoyed it, so I was wondering if I could join you two.

I'm back down in South Wales this week until Saturday. Apologies if this is to short notice.

Either way, best of luck, and fingers crossed you get what you're after,
Mike x

RE:Male wanted

Hey both, hope ur ok? Id love to meet up. Give u what u want. Take care x

RE:Male wanted

hello im james 52 from bham message me back we can chat thanks img src="imagesadultemoticons015.gif"

male wanted

Hi there im game:-D


hi im deffo up for it. if you would like to try some scottish meat babe, get in touch.

RE:meet sat mornin

oh yes wheneva your readyimg src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif"

male wanted

hi would love to meet up for it if you are interested beautiful

RE:male wanted

im availiable ANY time

I'm in...

Certainly game for this too, but this is before your other post.