7:24 am Friday, 4th February, 2005
we are a couple m & f looking for fun tonite on ditchling common any couples fems interested |
9:43 pm Friday, 4th February, 2005
Re: Couple in ditchling sussexhi to you both missed out again, please Email with next location and time. would love to join you I am safe clean and very eager.
11:26 am Monday, 21st March, 2005
Re: Couple in ditchling sussexany time i can get to ditchling in about half an hour
12:52 pm Monday, 21st March, 2005
Re: Couple in ditchling sussexhi im male and would love 2 meet tonight im very clean and would be willing to join in and im very well endowed plz get back |
6:59 pm Wednesday, 23rd March, 2005
Re: Couple in ditchling sussexMe and my boyfriend would love to hook up for some fun. Send us details where and when and we will be there