4:05 pm Sunday, 21st August, 2011
Event dates: 24.08.2011, 27.08.2011, 03.09.2011, Cancellations mean male places free for 8pm to 11:30 partys in Manchester area on dates listed.Please mail me if interested. Becky xx |
6:45 pm Sunday, 21st August, 2011
RE:Becksx's Quick Swinghi becks, i would like to attend your adult party on wednesday 24th august, please reply if possible with more details about payments etc, i look forward to hearing from you, dave x |
7:55 pm Monday, 22nd August, 2011
RE:Becksx's Quick Swinghi becks |
11:53 pm Tuesday, 23rd August, 2011
hihi i would like to joine your party let me know thanks on 27 saturday |
12:13 pm Wednesday, 24th August, 2011
RE:Becksx's Quick SwingHi becky
7:53 pm Friday, 2nd September, 2011
YES PLEASE!definitely interested, msg me the details! |
10:16 am Saturday, 3rd September, 2011
RE:Becksx's Quick SwingHi Becky. I have emailed you on your hotmail address already but posting here in case you don't check that. Could you let me know if it is possible for me to attend your party tonight in Manchester if you have had cancellations? |