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So wanting to chat

First of all I love my wife who is 65 and I am 75 and we still likes sex
. But I have asked her to get a lover around her age or a bit younger
to have regular sex with . I am of average size which she does not
complain about but I do not last long. So I am wondering how to get her
to look for a lover that is not on the sex scene,ideally a man that lost
his wife but still needs to be with a woman and to feel a woman,and to
have full sex with her regularly. I possable I would like the man to be
VWE as before I married my wife she had a man friend that was VWE and
she could not get enough of it ,some times three times a day !.So size
would not be a problem for her. The pleasure we would both get out of it
would be immence for us both as she would like the extra sex from
another man that is going without so both of them would be pleased.I
would also be pleased that when she got back home to me after having sex
with her lover, I could take her to bed and make love to her knowing
that her lover had been touching her and tasting her and filling her up
,I am so hoping it will happen !.But back to the problem how and were
could she meet a gentleman that fits the bill ?           

Has anybody had this problem before and got round it ? if so please tell me how I can do it ?

I am willing to help out but I’m 43 is that too young