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Drugs & Profiles

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When someone puts "tell you later" in the drugs part of their profile does that mean that they think it might put people off if they say yes?!
It certainly does to me img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

weed me up

can't beat a bit of weed after sex. Wouldn't put me off

RE:weed me up

So why don't they have the courage of their own convictions and say "yes" to drugs in their profile?


thats your own personal opinion greenline. agree to stating on one's profile that they do use drugs, but that is also their own personal decision. should all be confirmed before before a meet anyways........free the weed i say

Drugs on profiles

Hi everyone.

My understanding is that some people may use Viagra andor semi legal stimulants rather than cannibis or other classified substance. Putting that information on the profile for all of the virtual world to see may be a little embarrassing so people may prefer to discuss that with potential partners as they are getting to know them.

Cheers all.

RE:Drugs & Profiles

I obviously got hold of the wrong end of the stick anyway and simply assumed 'drugs' meant something nasty and illegal. It never occurred to me something like viagra could be what was being talked about! I am inclined to think that in the main 'drugs' does mean something illegal and potentially harmful. I take the point about 'weed' but if anyone out there thinks 'weed' is harmless, at least over an extended period, then think again. Personally I wouldn't be interested in someone using any drugs, before or after sex. O.k. before someone says it......... does that include alcohol, potentially the most damaging of 'drug' known to man!! My answer is "no" I enjoy a drink as a social aspect of swinging but we all know what happens if too much is inbibed!!!
