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hotwifealicia's Quick Swing

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Event dates: 16.04.2011, Hi looking for 2-3 guys to join us and take turns having sex with my wife. Possible accomadation would prefer to travel. Message us.

Sounds good to me!

img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"

RE:hotwifealicia's Quick Swing


RE:hotwifealicia's Quick Swing

img src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif" say were im there

RE:hotwifealicia's Quick Swing

HI,, we are three Indian guys.. all horny and experienced.. qualified..... so if u guys wanna have some kamasutra sex fun do let us know....

RE:hotwifealicia's Quick Swing

Hi up for a wild time Paul.x

hot wife alicia

Definitely willing if accom is possible. Message me?

Re: quick swing

I'm up for it if it's during the day?


Reasonably local and can accomodate daytimes with notice or hotel meets so if we don't get together today then over the next couple of weeks i would be available if interested message me

how about we swap wifes

hi we are defo up for this, we can accom and would do full wife swapping on sette :-)

still want coule guys to use wife?

i have friend or two who would cum fill wifeimg src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif"

Bull with thick meaty cock

Hi I am a greedy bull with a thick meaty cock ready to pump her full of my cum, is a daytime meet possible?img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"