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edincouple2011's Quick Swing

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Event dates: 11.04.2011, 12.04.2011, 13.04.2011, 14.04.2011, 15.04.2011, we would love to meet and accomodate a bi or bo-curious fem :) x

what about a bi man?

what about a bi man ?

Couple Bi guy, girl not need a bi guy to join us

Hi there people we are looking for a bi guy to come and join us for some adult games.. He must be good looking under 45 and be willing to fuck us both.. We are willing to travel.. Please contact us and go from there
Damo and Law...img src="imagesadultemoticons019.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons019.gif"
Law wants to watch me playing with the guy sucking licking me being fucked then her turn..

RE:what about a bi man?

soz not interested in bi guys

fri 15th

hi there,we will b in edinburgh on friday the 15th and would love to meet up if possible

RE:fri 15th

we are only looking for fem's not couples soz :)