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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Swingers Party

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Date start: 27.11.2021 Date END: 28.11.2021 Swingers party for couples at our home in Saint Andrews.

This event is open to Couples and Singles.

We will be partying from 6pm until midnight.

Sorry we had to postpone the October party due to the 4th wave of Covid hittting New Brunswick.

Came across you two some how and really liked your energy in the pictures. Someday I’ll travel your you perhaps we will meet and hang out. Wish there was a couple who did what you do here in Kingston Ontario? 
Happy Thanksgiving 
Leonard ??

Came across you two some how and really liked your energy in the pictures. Someday I’ll travel your you perhaps we will meet and hang out. Wish there was a couple who did what you do here in Kingston Ontario? 
Happy Thanksgiving 
Leonard ??

Came across you two some how and really liked your energy in the pictures. Someday I’ll travel your you perhaps we will meet and hang out. Wish there was a couple who did what you do here in Kingston Ontario? 
Happy Thanksgiving 
Leonard ??

Came across you two some how and really liked your energy in the pictures. Someday I’ll travel your you perhaps we will meet and hang out. Wish there was a couple who did what you do here in Kingston Ontario? 
Happy Thanksgiving 
Leonard ??

Wonderful idea

Wonderful idea