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How to Stay Safe

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What are the top tips for meeting up with people & staying safe... whether as a man or a woman?

What are the traps & pitfalls?img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

RE:How to Stay Safe

As a newbie would like to read other's advice.img src="imagesadultemoticons018.gif"

RE:RE:How to Stay Safe

A lot of fairly obvious ones here but this is what i would advise . . . ALWAYS get a mobile phone number for the persons you are meeting. Make sure you speak to them on the phone before you meet and especially if they are a couple make sure you speak to both parties. If you can talk to them on cam online even better although a lot of people are not comfortable with doing this. I would also advise that before you actually set off on the day of the meet you ring them and talk to them to confirm the meet is going ahead . . . if they don't answer leave a message or text them to say you will expect a call back within 15mins. If you don't get a reply DON'T TRAVEL (i have been caught out on 2 occasions like this by timewasters).
Make sure that somebody knows where you will be - you don't have to tell them exactly what you are doing but say you are meeting someone for a drink etc (which is initially probably what you will be doing).
Make sure that the first time you meet with someone that it is somewhere public - i would not advise going somewhere remote or to someone's address until you are sure about who they are, a coffee bar or pub are ideal. Some people may want to meet for a drink to suss each other out first while some people will be happy to play on the first date - in this situation you will have to use your judgement before agreeing to go back anywhere with them. Hope this helps . . .

RE:RE:RE:How to Stay Safe

sound advice. I have also asked a friend to call me on my mobile at a specific time, both giving me the security of knowing there is someone on hand if there should be a problem and giving me that all important 'get out' excuse if I need one. I have to say though that I never have and that most people I have met from this site have been very nice. It is also best to have the conversation about safe sex, what is acceptable and what is not before you meet as it may be more difficult to start laying down rules later. Take your own condoms as well in case they 'forget.'
Pitfalls - see a recent photo and speak on the phone first, then you don't get surprises!

staying safe

hi a newbie here very good advice given on the forum.I very much agree always let someone know where you are going, agree to ring at a certain time and trust your instincts.

RE:RE:RE:RE:How to Stay Safe

some good advice there.

Staying safe - prearranged call

Ginger52 has a sound idea. img src="imagesadultemoticons002.gif" I would never have thought of having a friend call you on your mobile at a prearranged time. Like Ginger52 says, having a ready made 'get out' excuse should you need one could be handy (hopefully not).
A little extreme maybe, but an agreed 'safe' word slotted into the conversation with your friend will signify all is well, should you fell the need.


to stay absolutely safe, you should leave this platform and never think about any sexual adventures.
as a matter of fact, either in germany or (i expect so) in the UK, there are a lot of people kdding around. so 100% prevention will never work.
just trust your instincts and try to get the guys on the phone.

that`s it?
img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

RE:RE:RE:How to Stay Safe

Some very sound advice here. From experience it pay's to chat online and text for a while before any meetings are arranged. Timewasters or those that bottle out (and there are many!!!)can usually be weeded out from their manner or what they suggest doing or where to meet.