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30 year old hot couple, need advice!

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Ok, here goes,
my wife and i are a good looking sexy 31 year old couple.
we have never done any swinging before and we have been together a very long time.
the only thing we are considering at the moment is a threesome with another girl, we are a little shy about the whole thing and just wondered hoe to go about it, lol where can we find someone to come and have a bit of fun. we would ideally like someone who is new to this as well so we can all experiment together, rather than feel intimidated and under pressure to perform.

i thought i'd start the ball rolling by asking here.


RE:30 year old hot couple, need advice!

No advice but would like to add that we are in the same position (no pun intended!) as you :)

RE:RE:30 year old hot couple, need advice!

I'm a 37 year old newbie.... and I'd like to learn with a couple that are new to this too.

30 year old hot couple, need advice!

Hi I have played with a couple a few times now and the most important thing is trust, you must decide between you what is allowed, kissing etc. prob also best to let your lady choose who she wants to play with as im sure you know we are the jealous type! meet somewhere mutual a pubhotel bar, that way if you are not keen either way then you have not wasted money on a hotel room, oh and one site i was on had guy's pretending to be women so watch out.... have fun and play safe, shame you are not closer i would meet you for a chat...X