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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

bushywetholes's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 31 July 2021; Sunday, 1 August 2021 Great weather to be eating pussy and ass , no time wasters please if you want a root get in touch , simple as that

[Everyone one here is whinging they dont get enough sex and you can't even get a reply , everyone needs to stop pumping everyone's th re rd up because there confidence goes up when really sometimes it should go the other way and then they begin to start picking and choosing and putting them selves on a pedistool when they should be grateful they got a HOT or a LIKE when clearly they shouldn't.. That's why honesty is the best policy , if everyone stuck to this policy then everyone would be getting alot more action quote]Event dates: Saturday, 31 July 2021; Sunday, 1 August 2021 Great weather to be eating pussy and ass , no time wasters please if you want a root get in touch , simple as that

Event cancelled

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