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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

nsp58's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Sunday, 2 May 2021; Monday, 3 May 2021; Tuesday, 4 May 2021; Wednesday, 5 May 2021; Thursday, 6 May 2021; Friday, 7 May 2021; Saturday, 8 May 2021; Sunday, 9 May 2021; Monday, 10 May 2021; Tuesday, 11 May 2021; Wednesday, 12 May 2021; Thursday, 13 May 2021; Friday, 14 May 2021; Saturday, 15 May 2021; Sunday, 16 May 2021 Want to relax and release from stress. I am with car so can go anywhere if feel comfortable.

I am from surat and now Here at Ahmedabad due to some work and wish to be with someone genuine female, who can be with me for moments. Want to relax and release from stress. I am with car so can go anywhere if feel comfortable. 

Let's meet first,  if everything ok from both sides,  then we will see, what the next..

Privacy and security most important 

No attachment, just meet , if yes then fun,