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Home > Forums > Newbie (General Chat)

How the fuck to you meet anyone if you can't read their messages?

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Am I missing something?

So the only way to really use this site is to pay

Another con

Big joke 

yes it is a    shit.... 

Is it genuine..? Are the ladies in the portal are genuine..?

There is a tab that you press to add the person as a friend on their profile, I pressed it and it just says request sent. How does the other person know that I sent a friend request. What is the point ... does anyone know ? 

Wondering if it's safe to pay with my credit card 

you can make comments on their photos & maybe find a connection that way

Are the ladies here?

Are the ladies here? People who have got reviews? how does the verification system works?

Any idea guys?

Get more action down the bus station

So the only way to really use this site is to pay
.  That fucking sucks.  Why even join then

Its all computer generated, the only thing what hapoened they grab your money!!! Be aware!! 

No it is not

Its a great site but you need to pay , as with anything , more guys than contacts , but just be nice to people 

My posts keep getting deleted because I keep telling of how these sites work.  I wonder if this one will be deleted?

Not a great site. Other sites give at least one or two chats a day free. On special occasions a free day. 40 bucks a month is to much when most people fail to show up.

Many of these sites have different urls but same images on them