Just north Aberdeen and mobile even in this bloody snow looking for some daytime or evening fun........
Spent few years as admirer and participating in meetings as Mr vanilla st8 man , them slowly made a transition from wearing stockings through to today where I dress as much as I can fully top to toe.
Ugly I might be to some of you...wow I probably find you georgous !!!!!!!... but this is me!!
HPW.....what is that...probably me as I dont have the ability to shave,,,,,,but still here... and still dresing so if you dont want HPW ie me then I'm not for you........ poor you !!!
Not convincing as I still want to be a man first and foremost but do enjoy the feel of wearing my alternative clothing whether just for my enjoyment or for the ejoyment of meets.
Always looking for somthing else to wear..... wig came and looks kinda good......and I think it finished of the look I am looking for ......
Found wearing and walking in 3" heels fine..slightly hard but worked and felt reel good.... but the lure of 5" beconed and once in my posession ...black patent...buckles...wow BUT ...wearing wonderful...then there is walking !!!!!!!!!!!!! ouch.... I will keep trying but this is difficult and would love advice ????