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Newbie and not finding anyone

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I am new to this site for about a week now and I have yet to get a real person here that is just looking for hangout or hookups.  Most of the profiles appear to be duplicates of others saying the same things all the time.  Can you tell me what I am doing wrong or if this is normal?

It seems there is a lot of that going on. I am in the same situation. The only 2 people that wanted to talk to me, wanted to sell me something. Not impressed at all.

Agreed... the site is full of false profiles... I'm in my third day. It's a waste of time especially.

Had messages from other countries saying do you want to meet ffs. There isn't much to trust on the site. 

Hi , I am from India, looking for Indian men.

Same here, I am going o follow the site for a couple of weeks and then decide what to do.

not sure what happened on the post but I was trying to say .... "then decide."

Same here.

I'd like to say that I'm treated fairly on here, but every time i post something, it disappears. Any ideas people? LOL

  "Ditto"Where are real people...

They delete any comments that say anything negative. 2 of mine disappeared from yesterday