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Home > Forums > Dogging (Fetishes and Other)

dogging in surrey tues10th nov

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hi will be going to surreys best known dogging spot tuesday 10th in evening anyone fancy watching, or fucking me then let me know and will send you details x

Re: dogging in surrey tues10th nov

hey ya , we might be able to , but we would like to know where it is as we really wanna go :-) we are in bognor arera but would travel

stephen and joanna

Re: dogging in surrey tues10th nov

hi ya thanks for reply, but along way to come from bognor, but hoping to go to wisley as long as it isnt peeing down with rain. usually get a few there ive been told never actually been yet myself.

Re: dogging in surrey tues10th nov

hey again :-) we us read your reply.. we are like REALLY new to dogging.. but wanna do it..we are a couple from Chichesterbognor area like we said.. Wisley not far.. but we dont know where we "might " meet you.. fancy meetin up then ? Are you gfoing to Wisley on 10th too?

Stephen and Joanna x

Re: dogging in surrey tues10th nov

hi i would like to go dogging with you have only joined today so still a non paying member email me if you want to meet sometime im very local

Re: dogging in surrey tues10th nov

hey ya, send us your email

Re: dogging in surrey tues10th nov

whereabouts in wisley? been there once wasnt sure where i was going? are you going to do it soon again?

Re: dogging in surrey tues10th nov

i now where wisley is . but iv missed the date.
When are you going next. Or how about somewhere between woking and farnborough, loads of woods there.

Re: dogging in surrey tues10th nov

i now where wisley is . but iv missed the date.
When are you going next. Or how about somewhere between woking and farnborough, loads of woods there.