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New Search Feature

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As many of you will have noticed, we have introduced a new Search feature.

We always like to hear feedback and any comments or suggestions you have about the new features on the site.

If you have any feedback, Please post it here.

Not all posts, we be replied to but we will look at every comment and suggestions posted.

Site Admin

Re: New Search Feature

Much prefer the old system as searched the whole of my area, lots have been complaining about it and i am one i must say better off leaving it as it was sorry.


Re: New Search Feature

Hi Steve

I must admit the new system, does take some getting used to, but given time you will get used to it and see the benefits of the new search feature.

I notice your profile says Cambridgeshire. You can either conduct a search of Cambridgeshire, or narrow it down into towns and cities within Cambridgeshire.

You can also do a distance search 10 miles right up to 250 miles from your own profile location or of a town of city within Cambridgeshire.

Hopefully this will allow you to find contacts local to you at the click of a few buttons, rather than having to search 12 pages and still only find a handful of people.

This new search also allows for members in more populated areas such as London to have their profile found more easily.

Site Admin

Re: New Search Feature

It doesn't seem to be an improvement. I tried a local search and all I got was a load of women in Scotland, nowhere near me! It's the old adage if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Re: New Search Feature

i think its good, a lot less complex. then again not to many women on here from northeren ireland so i dont expect a lot of results to come back anyway.

Re: New Search Feature

Why are you complicating an easy system to use?
This new idea is fine but
before it was easy to whip through any area wanted. People dont always want 2 meet the people on their doorstep. Thanks for making a good site difficult.

Re: New Search Feature

I think it's an improvement.

Glad to see that there aren't thousands of matches that haven't logged in for over 30 days.

I always thought the 2 million members was stretching the truth a bit.

Re: New Search Feature

I'm not convinced yet that the new search facility is an improvement. The old one enabled you to search across a region without too much trouble and button clicking. The new one appears to mean I have to contimue to go back and revise my serach criteria for the same areas each time, which I didn't have to do previously.

Re: New Search Feature

sorry but this is a load of rubbish
once a selection is made you cannot cancel it
please go back to old system
thank you

Re: New Search Feature

New system is overcomplicated and gives many matches outside the specified area.
Please go back to the old easy system asap
Cheers Staffordman1img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"

Re: New Search Feature

not an improvement just more clicking back and forwards

Re: New Search Feature

Total crap, old system much better, as a premium member it won't even let me change location.

Re: New Search Feature

the new system is to long winded i end up just putting uk in
the old way was much better

Re: New Search Feature

..Hmmm, not as good as i wanted it to be....kept taking me back to Beckton!!! Am in Cornwall....not very impressed....

Re: New Search Feature

Total crap, old system much better, as a premium member it won't even let me change location.

It will let you - if you click on the county it will then allow you to change it to any county in the UK or worldwide - theirs also a help "?" if you click on that it will offer some more tips

problem is its like most things people get used to a system and any change always will cause problems, but the advance search feature will help you find contacts closer

Re: New

1st i think the new Search Feature sucks and you need to go back to the old one

2nd you need to get rid off all the old ie 30 days adds

Re: New

Must admit I dont likr the new system at all.
Over complicated ! The old was quite simple and straight forward.
PLEASE go back to the old system.

Re: New Search Feature

there appears to be a problem with the search facility on the spanish side of the search system, you seem to have an issue with towns being shown correctly on peoples profiles, ie when you changed the system it did something to where they live, i know a few people here who had towns shown in their profiles and now since the change they now live somewhere completely differently, you need to email people to tell them to check their towns please, its causing problems. thanks

Re: New Search Feature

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your comments and feedback.

We have taken some of your comments into account and will be making some tweaks to the search feature, over the next few days.

Sally (Site Admin)

Re: New Search Feature

found old system easier especially when checking who is on line is easier to check a number of areas ( and more interesting rather than just me being listed). in my opinion either modify so we can use both or revert back to old

Re: New Search Feature

This new search feature is too messy and complicated and does not simplify things at all - nothing wrong with the way it was.

Re: New Search Feature

much prefer old system, i'm down as colchester and i'm no where near it

Re: New Search Feature

yep,not a lot of good, should spend more time deleting profiles thats not being used !!

Re: New Search Feature

could you tell me when merseyside will appear on the search menu!??

Re: New Search Feature

the old one is much better please change it back.
thank you

Re: New Search Feature


Just to let you all know, we have now updated the location search feature. We have now added the regions that were used on the old search, eg: North East, South Central, East England etc, as well as ALL Scotland and Wales. So, if you prefer to search by these regions, you can do!

Kind Regards,

Rachel (Site Admin).

Re: New Search Feature

any chance of adding north west england or merseyside??
new system is rubbish compared to old one!!:-(

Re: New Search Feature

New search is no good as it gives members from all over rather than just our local area. For example on the old system we used to search for 4 differnt areas e.g. durham, tyne & wear, Northumberland and Cleveland and each would find a lot of members.

The new system doesn't allow you to do this and if you type in the search crieria you very few responses.

Please put the old system back in place or at least give the option of using either the old or the new system.

Re: New Search Feature

agreed.just as crap as the new messenger

Re: New Search Feature

Rubbish go back to the old way. Why fix something if its not broken ????

Re: New Search Feature

CAn we get one that lets us know whom prefers protection and whom does not? Because although it is "Bareback Swingers" I've noticed a LOT of profiles with "Safe Sex: ALWAYS"?!!? So, I would like to make sure that I am looking up the right, like-minded people as myself! :-)
Thanks for the continued improvements!!!!


Re: New Search Feature

It is complete rubbish! Won't let us list our home town correctly and doesn't work when you try to look up other areas. Please go back to the old system asap!!!

Re: New Search Feature

I have noticed that if you do a search it adds the item (eg BDSM) to your list of keywords. This is clever programming but a bit too clever. Somebody may do a search on something in which they are not that interested out of curiosity and suddenly it is showing as a keyword

Also, your mechanism for changing the location is amazingly obscure. I speak as a computer programmer so I know that it could be made much easier to use


your new search facility

Hi, I'm new here and so haven't experienced the old search facility but as a lot of people seem to be complaining about it and prefer the old way, why don't you have both methods on here so people can choose to use the old way or the new way. wouldn't have thought it would be too difficult to put in if you already have the coding for the old search engine kicking about.

RE:New Search Feature

I know this is an old thread but I have to question a query system which returns "Over a Month old" as the "newest profiles"


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RE:New Search Feature

good stuff straight forward ,search any where from ten mile to 250 mile...from home..cant get any easier ,,whats prob

Search feature

Search feature is great suzzywoo, but i`ve searched for you for ages to contact you, found you but can`t contact as not seen you in chat rooms. So search is great feature, but sometimes whats the point when you cant procede, so sad img src="imagesadultemoticons017.gif"