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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Chamu1992's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Wednesday, 26 August 2020; Thursday, 27 August 2020; Friday, 28 August 2020; Saturday, 29 August 2020; Sunday, 30 August 2020; Monday, 31 August 2020; Tuesday, 1 September 2020; Wednesday, 2 September 2020; Thursday, 3 September 2020; Friday, 4 September 2020; Saturday, 5 September 2020; Sunday, 6 September 2020; Monday, 7 September 2020; Tuesday, 8 September 2020; Wednesday, 9 September 2020 if there fantastic group party or a travel time...i can join exactly

Pls inform me your party details and we can come to next month

Hey im singal boy,from maharagama 

Hy Kamathi meet wenna with a nice arrangement, inbox me .. group party

iam 44m .

Hii.. i love to join.. send me the venue and time pls...

We also willing to join for party.  

We also willing to join for party.