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We are very new to this LS. We have always been very sexual but now things we never considered are absolutely on the table. She is craving the threesome experience with a woman or women. We have also considered full swap same room with very select couples in order to have that female experience. Approval of the guy will be very meticulous. We are in NE Texas.

So I get an email saying that my thread above fails for breaking rules. There is nothing in it that breaks a rule. I'm sick of this nonsense from this site! Seems there is nothing but spam and fakes here anyway. It really sucks because this could be an awesome site.

Anyone else have the same experience?

Hi there i am a real person and find this site frustrating as no one ever replies to any messages. Is this the norm of is the site controling things?

I'm new here 

Hi let’****hat okay ,let me have your number on here 

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