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spammer city

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why cant admin get rid of the spammers, it's about 301 atm its extremely disheartening
I can spot them at a glance, so why cant admin?

I've found that around 25% of the profiles are for sure fake. I do a Google Image search on every person who has a photo and contacts me. Like I say, 25% show up as stolen images. I report each one. Although I don't know how quickly the administrators react to reports as most of the fakes are still on the site.

I'm sure the number of fakes is actually much higher, as the ones I catch are only the ones using easily found images. And like you said, many of them are easy to spot. 

I've actually had a series of email exchanges with the admins over this issue. They almost seemed in the beginning of our exchange to be finding excuses for the fake profiles. As if it was a good thing to have fakes. In their final email they said they would forward my comments to higher up administrators. 

The lax attitude is such a shame. This could be a great site for meeting people in the LS, but it is spoiled by the fakes.

What are other member's finding as far as fake profiles go?

What are other member's finding as far as fake profiles go?
Those types of profiles create the illusion of lots of activity, no unlike default profile promoting

seems to me their not reading the profiles or looking for sugar daddy's, don't get me wrong but a 25-30 year old woman just doesn't fit my interest, and their profile doesn't tell much