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Home > Forums > Newbie (General Chat)

Completely lost at this site

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I imagine this will get deleted but I do not understand this site at all. If you are an admin or whatever, your site is completely baffling. There appears to be almost no members (at least in the USA) since there are almost no comments on all threads in this entire forum... yet there are a bunch of threads..... baffling.

Is there a blog post about how this site works?

Let say for example, peer speculation, I am top tier whatever VIP. If a casual member (of any gender) can not even see their inbox, how do I communicate with them since I can not find any other actual paying members? NOTE: I know we can not for whatever really weird reason state our membership level YET if I hot list someone it tells me their membership level..... very strange site you have. Very confusing.

I'm lost too. How are we supposed to communicate and hookup?

I can't even get my profile pic turned around!