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Hi lovely peoples. I've messages the support team about this a few times but haven't had a response yet, could be to do with the situation going on. before i commit to getting the VIP upgrade can anyone give me so advice as to what it's like? I've used something similar to this before and it was full of bots and scammers I trusting that's not the case on here but still want to check beforehand.

For the past 10 days

Can't seem to access chat room despite joining yesterday and becoming VIP..?

Hoping to find some real people!

I’ve had over thirty women contact me but the seem a little generic and not one of them has responded to my reply. What do you think is going on? Hoping to find some real people out there!

yes it seems the same here too!

Very few real women on here and most messages are from the site.  If they look at your profile you get a message.  Always sign off real messages with your name, site ones to date never do.

Anyone help me as newbie iff I'm a premium member I message them that person isnt a premium member can they still access chat rooms

Hey guys thanks for replying. I think That's pretty much sold me on it. It's a shame but expected I can't see it being worth the money unless you guys can convince me otherwise