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Etiquette; Does it Exist.

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Like most of you all, I have only dabbled here and there with dressing. But the beast was too much for me this time, and I finally found myself looking halfway like a girl (with more effort, I think I can actually look very feminine). But the thing is, this all started as, admittedl,y  a sexual fetish. I'm trying my best not to be too forward or overly sexual in my interactions because I feel like it might cheapen the experience for those who get something else out of it. Personally, this is strictly fetishistic for me. It's strange. I cannot even begin to understand why I'm so turned on by literally every aspect of it, but I am. And I'm trying to not come off as desperate or slutty even though that's the two things that I really dig about it. And I have noticed a lot of other cdssissies just flat out saying, and I am paraphrasing, "I am soooo desperate for cock. I just want to dominated and treated like a little sissyslut". Now, I am not passing judgement. In fact, it's comforting. A lot (maybe all) of the stuff they say is word for word what's running through my head. I'm worried about laying in on too thick and pushing people away, though. Or looking like a weirdo, which I am no stranger to in my normal world. No one wants to be the odd-man, uh, odd-sissyslut out because she didn't pick up on those invisible community rules and social standards. I suppose my question is, how exactly do I go about this stuff? I really, really enjoy dressing up and knowing that someone, somewhere, probably wants to do unthinkable things to me. But it's a strange field to navigate.

I suppose etiquette exists everywhere and its no different with this site. There are many on here for which dressing is not a sexual thing but more a genetic thing, a need to be female. While you may be doing this for fetish or sexual means does not mean everyone is. There are girls on here in transition from who they are to who they want to be and would not take kindly to you being overtly sexual in your initial conversations with them so first point must be don't take anyone for granted. When opening a conversation do it the same way you would in real life. Nobody starts a conversation in real life as "Hi do you wanna F***" or similar, so don't assume its ok to do here. There are girls who may have put what you perceive to be revealing photos on here but that does not mean they are gagging for it, some are just trying to find their own way and maybe are looking for validation that they appear feminine. There are many people on here for different things and in different stages of their journeys so assume nothing and start each conversation as if you are meeting someone in real life and navigate your way though it.

Yes there will be people on here who would love to do naughty things to you but don't assume everyone wants to and don't use crudeness as an opening icebreaker lol. The feminine psyche on the whole is about being submissive (mine is anyways) but that does not mean that I want anyone's opening line to be "Hi, im going to F*** you like you never have been before" From my perspective, Assume nothing, address people like you would in a normal everyday conversational setting and see where it goes. Penny xx