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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

mecykelly2020's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Sunday, 2 February 2020; Sunday, 9 February 2020 Please message me if you are interested in me.

can we meet. on 2nd. 

intrested to meet 

Reply with details

Reply with details

Event dates: Sunday, 2 February 2020; Sunday, 9 February 2020 Please message me if you are interested in me.

Event dates: Sunday, 2 February 2020; Sunday, 9 February 2020 Please message me if you are interested in me.

Event dates: Sunday, 2 February 2020; Sunday, 9 February 2020 Please message me if you are interested in me.

I am interested. Awaiting ur reply 

I am interested. Awaiting ur reply 

I am interested. Awaiting ur reply 


Interested in meeting ping me 

I am a come to you and please message me ntreated 

I am a come to you and please message me ntreated 

I am a come to you and please message me ntreated 

I am a come to you and please message me ntreated 

Event dates: Sunday, 2 February 2020; Sunday, 9 February 2020 Please message me if you are interested in me.

I am interested

Interested in meet 


**** whatsapp me

**** whatsapp me

**** whatsapp me

Event dates: Sunday, 2 February 2020; Sunday, 9 February 2020 Please message me if you are interested in me.

hi if u free on weekdays we can meet... do dropa line so  we can get in touch .. looking to meet u soon

Event dates: Sunday, 2 February 2020; Sunday, 9 February 2020 Please message me if you are interested in me.

Hey lets plan for 9th . 

You can see my details on my profile 

hmm i see sucha big que... but  well paupers do have  to wait... well wont say but by looks of the pics i think...u may love seeing me.... anywyas... fingers crossed on a friendship.... rest.... upto u... cya soon if  you can write to me be good...

Sunday 9th Feb what you say

Sunday 9th Feb what you say

RE:mecykelly2020's Quick Meet

I am interested

I am interested I want to come 9 Feb share the details

I am interested I want to come 9 Feb share the details

I am interested I want to come 9 Feb share the details

I am interested I want to come 9 Feb share the details

I am interested I want to come 9 Feb share the details

I am interested I want to come 9 Feb share the details

I can meet you on Sunday 9th

I can meet you on Sunday 9th

I am waiting for you 

M inter

M interested