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How to tell if Someone is Genuine

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Hi all!

I just joined recently and am slowly getting to know the ropes. I've so far been approached by 3 couples- 2 of which I'm sure are genuine. The other I'm not too sure about... How can I find out or should I just follow my gut instinct and block them?

Oh..and is it rude to tell people to piss off when they try to PM me (lots of single guys..please read my profile!).

Thanks!! x x ximg src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

Re: How to tell if Someone is Genuine


I'd suggest that you talk on the phone and see how you get on - it can just be a quick call to confirm the timeplace of the meet or whatever... Other than that it can be a bit hit and miss - some of the guys we know have become very p'd off about no-shows; as the female here, I can vouch that it's easy to get very, very nervous b4 a meet, and tho we've never called off, I've been tempted to!!

Would suggest that firm politeness is probably better than anything else in terms of getting rid of ppl...or just ignore them!


Re: How to tell if Someone is Genuine

I am also new and think that exchanging phone numbers would be a good idea. Their messages cannot hurt you as long as you are not putting valuable time into them.

The point is, I support talking on the phone to find out if f person is for real or not.