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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

sanjaycpl19's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 26 December 2019; Friday, 27 December 2019 Meet us at . Pvr punjaguuta beween 6.00 to 9.00 pm

My dick size

how do we catch up at PVR panjagutta? you can see my image in the profile. M 29. Let me know the mode of communication if we really want to catch up

how do we catch up at PVR panjagutta? you can see my image in the profile. M 29. Let me know the mode of communication if we really want to catch up

@Sanjaycpl19, guys, can we please meet after 3rd January... I would be returning in Hyderabad on 3rd January and am very desperate to meet you guys since our last conversation 1-2 months back.... 

Since, I dont have a VIP account, and would not be able to read your messages... just ping me on telegram(varunag011) or hangouts( and lets chat......Muaaaahhhhhh........waiting to meet you guys.....

See yaa....
(hoping to see your message in telegram or hangouts soon).....

Event cancelled

Event cancelled