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Single Females Safety

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Having been in & out of the scene over the years there is now a noticeable increase in Single Females going it alone. Ok, as still hard to find than a WMD in Iraq!! However, the numbers are increasing as the media highlights the growing trend of Swinging.

Every decent site has a guide for Etiquette and some, how a Single Male should be. But I haven't seen any guide for Single Females. I highlight this because 3 women I know and all brand new to the swinging scene this year are taking crazy risks, examples:

- Giving out home address andor telephone number
- Going straight to hotel bedrooms
- Meeting at couples houses rather than public places
- Taking equal responsibility to carry condoms
- Not giving a friend there whereabouts or contact details of the person

These are 3 very intelligent women and I was shocked at the above Last year I also heard a couple of horrific stories that should never have happened. Worst of all they were not reported because one of the women felt "Who's going to believe a swinger going with the purpose of sex to a strangers house". Me thinks the main websites get together and produce a generic guide which is highlighted when joining and updated regularly.

Right!! Off the soap box - What do y'all reckon?
Hasta Luego

Re: Single Females Safety

I think you are right, I am a male member and think that any wonan that is thinking of meeting someone, should have regular coraspondance with anyone they are thinking of meeting. Things are taken at face value, if you have any doubts about meeting, then its simple, DONT. I personally take my privacy serious, anyone who wants to meet me I need to know that they first are genuine and that i know something about them.
And always meet in a safe public place, and ask to see some ID.
bswingball x

Re: Single Females Safety

Hi Jamie,

A very good idea we think, but the problem is that everyone is resposible for their own actions in this life and no matter how much warning information is given out, there will always be those who do not wear crash helmets or seat belts, etc.
We think that intelligence alone is not enough, the missing factor in most cases is plain old fashioned common sense and awareness.

Roy and Roma