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need help from experienced users

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i must be doining something wrong. i think i have set up my profile ok. i have invited people online to chat, i have sent not just flirts but proper messages for females to get in touch but not getting anywhere

REALLY REALLY REALLY need halp and advice pleaseimg src="imagesadultemoticons017.gif"

Re: need help from experienced users

I ceased playing as a single over a year ago now but had ca. 5 years on here before hooking up with MrsDapps and had a fair amount of fun, so:

Put at least one pic on your profile - and bear in mind that most women want to see at least a partial face pic, preferably also a full-body pic, rather than a cock shot. Be prepared to subsequently send a full face pic , esp. if there's a distance factor - which in your case there always will be.

Edit your profile text so that it clearly states whether you are attached or single, and also explains why you are not able to accommodate. Until you do, the immediate assumption will be that you are both playing away and covering it up. Plenty of women don't mind attached men - as long as the attached man's partner is fully aware what he's up to, and will want proof.

Don't send generic-looking e-mails or e-mails that simply start e.g. "Hi there" - address the user by name and put something in your mail that clearly demonstrates that you have read the profile and criteria in full.

Be patient. Recognise that it's an uphill battle - lone guys are 10 a penny on the scene. Women can afford to be ultra-picky - and are. They're inundated with mail from guys so yours needs to stand out somehow.

The secret of success is consistency of purpose, but there's a very fine line between politely persistent and being a pushy pest. Women generally want to be treated with respect - then maybe sex will follow. It's an adult dating site, not a cattle market, and a meet is still a date - between adults.

Hope this helps. Good luck.