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Can anyone tell me what a hot list is?  LOL  aparantly I have been added to two!(??)


It's like a watchlist, its a way of saying they are interested in your profile.

hi guys. pls does this platform work

Hot List is the list in which you can add the profiles u find hot or like ..so later you can connect with them as profile is saved ??

How does this work ?

New couple here- Wondering why people send generic message-we respond and then nothing in return.  Does this site actually work for meeting and finding out all the fun we have been missing?

The site automatically sends "introduction messages" from users it thinks are compatible with you, whether they think so or not...

Before upgrading is it possible to actually send a message even just one without upgrading??

I would also  like to know the answer

What is a clid? Cream love identification?

Unless you are messaging a VIP, they won’t get your message. What’s the point?

If you are a basic member and you send to another basic member, they can't see it, so you might as well not bother. If you are a basic member and you send to a VIP member, they can read your message and can reply to it. If a VIP member replies, you can see their reply and have a conversation. Same if a VIP member starts by messaging you. But one of the two parties in the conversation must be a VIP member.

VIP messages

So as a VIP member you will receive generic messages from what the site believes are compatible people and unless they are also VIP’s any response you send will go unseen?

How does this work