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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

coogeecouple's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 13 September 2019; Saturday, 14 September 2019; Sunday, 15 September 2019; Monday, 16 September 2019 In the Costa Blanca all week, ppl come say hi. Make our holiday memorable and hopefully make new friends

Hi , i.would like a meet with ours.

Hi , i.would like a meet with ours.

Will require meeting point it you would like us to attend x

Did you miss the part of come say hi, there is no meeting point. That's why conversation helps. 

Sorry unfortunately unless vip can't. Chat on here. We're on la marina. X

We understand that, but can reply here to posts. So your in La Marina. Our place is in Quesada.

Yes didn't realise you could actually use this space to communicate lol 

Yes didn't realise you could actually use this space to communicate lol 

Yes didn't realise you could actually use this space to communicate lol 

Yes didn't realise you could actually use this space to communicate lol 

Hope you have a great holiday and hopefully some enjoyable filthy fun

Hope you have a great holiday with some filthy fun enjoyed. 

Thanks, we will let you know if we ddecide to meet up with you.