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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

1234glasgow's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 30 August 2019 Meeting in my house for those looking to have fun and taking it to wherever it goes. I can offer accommodation.

Count me in, 

Can i join? 

I can attend on Friday xx

I'm interested  

I'm interested  

Can i come too lol x

Can you confirm if we are aloud to go or not?

Would love too join you for some fun ??

yes no problem, but first I would need to see some pictures of you

Can you confirm if we are aloud to go or not?
I want to select a bit who is coming, can I see pics of your body?

Can i come too lol x
do you have any pictures?

Can i join? 
do you have any pictures?

I can attend on Friday xx
Do you still want to come? would you shave? 

Event dates: Friday, 30 August 2019 Meeting in my house for those looking to have fun and taking it to wherever it goes. I can offer accommodation.
we are free honey xx

Event dates: Friday, 30 August 2019 Meeting in my house for those looking to have fun and taking it to wherever it goes. I can offer accommodation.
we are free honey xx