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not into pain or watersports

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i invented pain and watersports in 1986 and would like to know why 75% of profiles state not into pain or watersports.i am not into stamp collecting but i do not feel the need to mention it in my profile.i am holding a rights for pain and watersports march in london on christmas day if anyone is interested,egg sandwiches will be provided.

Re: not into pain or watersports

You tell them Simon

Re: not into pain or watersports

Fully understand what your saying but for the other side people like to be clear what they like and what they do not like as it saves time.

A. It saves someone the time of writing a message to a member.

B. It saves the member who receives the message time having to reply and say no sorry that's not our thing

Most people like to let people know what their dislikes are to save the people who like that sort of thing from wasting time.

It's not about putting people down or being nasty it's about being simple and honest from the out set.

We tend to find that people who put their dislikes on a profile are then more open and inviting when you send them a message, you also have a better chance of a meet plus it gives you a starting point as to what they are not into allowing you to find out what they are into.

On the other side of things i have seen many profiles that state they are into watersports and other such things and for those who are not, to not contact them.

Everyone has a right to say what they do and do not like. Like anything you have to take it for what it is and that's a person's choice.

Best wishes
Sally x

Re: not into pain or watersports

i invented pain and watersports in 1986
Did you really?

I hope my brother doesn't read this, he might disagree, he's been into that scene since the 50s.

Re: not into pain or watersports

thats really funny! hahaha