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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

alicebug1990's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 4 July 2019; Friday, 5 July 2019; Saturday, 6 July 2019; Sunday, 7 July 2019; Monday, 8 July 2019 Lonavala. Looking for single smart male. Msg us with your details! Only Host, We are travelling from Navi Mumbai. Plan it together.

I can meet you on 7th I have my restaurant there

I can meet you on 7th I have my restaurant there

I can meet you on 7th I have my restaurant there

I can meet you on 7th I have my restaurant there

I can meet you on 7th I have my restaurant there

I can meet you on 7th I have my restaurant there

I can meet you on 7th I have my restaurant there

Hi I wanted to join you at my farm house . Please reply

hi wanna catch up i can host u in 5star

hi wanna catch up i can host u in 5star

I am in Pune ..can connect tomorrow and sat

I am in Pune ..can connect tomorrow and sat

Hi guys i am 29 year old IT professional from pune can host u guys in lonavala .. Weather is awesome there..msg me if interested to see my pics