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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

ustwoandyou65's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 20 June 2019; Friday, 21 June 2019; Saturday, 22 June 2019; Sunday, 23 June 2019; Monday, 24 June 2019; Tuesday, 25 June 2019; Wednesday, 26 June 2019; Thursday, 27 June 2019; Friday, 28 June 2019; Saturday, 29 June 2019; Sunday, 30 June 2019; Monday, 1 July 2019; Tuesday, 2 July 2019; Wednesday, 3 July 2019; Thursday, 4 July 2019 we are ready to join you just say when we prob have to be later at night but its kinda depends on day to day just hit us up with what you have in mind

Sounds interesting. What did you have in mind? I like to watch to get things started. How do you feel about it?