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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

tiamariatemptress's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 5 April 2019; Saturday, 6 April 2019; Sunday, 7 April 2019; Monday, 8 April 2019; Tuesday, 9 April 2019; Wednesday, 10 April 2019; Thursday, 11 April 2019; Friday, 12 April 2019; Saturday, 13 April 2019; Sunday, 14 April 2019; Monday, 15 April 2019; Tuesday, 16 April 2019; Wednesday, 17 April 2019 Goint to Queensland on holiday for the next 2 weeks. Staring at murgon, making are way to rocky then back down again finishing at Brisbane.

Let me know if you are stopping on the gold coast, 

Let me know if you are stopping on the gold coast, 

Let me know if you are stopping on the gold coast, 

Let me know when your in Brisbane 

Where will you be on the 6 & 7th April. You can stay with me no obligation take you out in my boat if you want . I be happy just seeing you swim in my pool. There is more if you want it but totally your call.

top end of gold coast here close to theme parks if you need somewhere to stay 2 spare rooms

When are you in Brisbane 

When are you in Brisbane 

Msg me while your in rockhampton

Stay at my place ****poinciana ave tewantin qld ****had to spend on our sex dungeon

Stay at my place ****poinciana ave tewantin qld ****had to spend on our sex dungeon

Im Brisbane based and happy to connect and meet up if your keen

Im Brisbane based and happy to connect and meet up if your keen