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Wannabe on TV?

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I work for Princess Productions as an Assistant Producer on a new Channel 5 Series called Generations Sex. The series features Celebs, Comedians and ordinary people telling us their funniest and most outrageous stories about their sex lives. One of the areas that we will be featuring is Online Sex and we're looking for young 20 somethings who are willing to talk to us. We will be exploring areas such as how to go about setting up a rendez-vous, having sex chat online, wecams, sex blogs, etc. We are not looking for people to perform sexual acts, but for characters with interestinghumorous anecdotes to tell about the things they have been getting up to.

If you, or anyone else you know, is interested please contact me

Hope to hear from you.


Re: Wannabe on TV?

Damn! Too old!
Shame because the story of me, stands, Nigella Lawson and Katie Mehlua might've pulled some ratings.
Ah well.......c'est la vie

Re: Wannabe on TV?

are you paying any fees?

Re: Wannabe on TV?

i'm 22 but my hubbys 39 so it's not essential lol

would love to e on tv tho

sassy img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"