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This site while having all of its plus points falls donw at the point of searching for other members. I am 58 and single and male, nothing wrong with that because there are enough single females and couples who are interested in mature single males.

The problem is that thre is no specified age range in many profiles but there are many comments in large letters such as NO SINGLE MEN, this would not happen if there was a filter to request listing members who had opted to accpet responses from single men.

In my case by filtering out those who were not interested in single men would leave me with less profiles to view of people that were interested in single males.

Age filters are also required so that those that would look in a different age group were included in searches and those that were not could be removed from searches.

All of this happens on ALT and should happen here

I assume some couples are beseiged by single guys and find it intrusive, i for one want to meet anyone that wants to meet me but do not want to even know if the existance of those that do not so please