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"Getting to know you" on MSN etc.

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A word about the dangers of MSN Yahoo messenger etc.

Most people don't realise that by "chatting" on MSN, they are potentially giving an unknown quantity access to the very heart of their computer. Anybody who has had an IT expert friend fix their problems via "remote control" knows this though. MSN supplies a route for COMPLETE control of the computer.

Anybody who knows what they're about can gain access to WHATEVER is stored on your machine, e.g. the operating system itself, sign-on passwords for Windows, passwords to site amazon eBay e-mail PayPal WorldPay accounts etc, P&C data such as full names, addresses, bank AC details, face pics, [unlisted ex-directory] phone No.s. It's also then a relatively simple matter to "clone" your machine.

The short story is that, in an age when ID theft and fraud perpetrated via the internet is not only the most prevalent but also the fastest-growing crime in the UK, and probably the world, things like MSN are a "godsend" (if that's the right terminology) to would-be miscreants.

MSN is also a prime route for transmission of viruses, worms, trojans and the like. Any file sent via MSN (e.g. a jpeg) goes straight to your hard-drive. It's likewise a simple matter for a miscreant to implant things like a "back door", "cuckoo's egg" or "logic bomb" - and all without your knowledge.

MSN is particularly vulnerable simple because Microsoft software is so ubiquitous and was never originally designed for interactive networking. It's therefore the No. 1 focus for would-be "black hackers". Furthermore, since [part of] Windows source code was leaked onto the internet in 2003, Pandora's box is well and truly wide open. Updated versions (e.g. Vista) offer little protection against attempts to hack.

Any real-time interactive communication forum holds similar potential dangers. That's one reason why, if we ever do venture into chat, our PMs are always disabled. Anyone ever wonder what all those PMs without asking from users far away are all about? Think about it for a minute. And it's far safer to go to a private room for a P&C chat than PM.

Anyone who knows us knows that we simply won't use IM of any sort. Firewalls etc. aside (no system is foolproof), the most effective protection measures are the simplest ones:

i) Don't IM with a complete stranger,
ii) Don't leave your machine on standby and connected to the internet,
iii) Don't use wireless routers unless via a hard-encryption connection,
iv) Disable your wireless network ifwhen it isn't needed,
v) Use a stand-alone laptop desktop for IM use - a dual-core isn't necessary, 2nd-hand machines are cheap enough, and readily available.
vi) Don't store any confidential data on the machine you use for IM.
vii) Keep the configuration specs of your modem router on hard-copy ONLY, and consider using e.g. "firefox" instead of "internet explorer".

It's the internet - it's amoral - "buyer beware" and all that.

(I (the male half) may be a "geek", but I'm not a "nerd" for all that lol!)

Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.

thats scar mongering if ever i have read it, its no more likely than anyother kinbd of intrusion :P

Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.

The danger with plagurising too many IT geek forums and articles is that most have an ulterior motive either to sell anti-virus or anti-malware products or they're just trying to make a name for themselves by using exaggerated consipracy type scandal.
I have used many forums, MSN, Yahoo etc etc and not once have I or anyone I know been a victim of internet fraud.
In fact, most internet fraud is carried out by duping people with dodgy emails claiming to be from their bank and asking to confirm details of accounts. Only a nugget would send these as banks are often reminding people not to respond to such emails.
If you have a password that can't possibly be linked to you or your hobbies then you're as safe as using any other precaution.
For people with such a skill as hacking accounts......don't you think they'd put these skills to use on accounts with a lot of money in?
I can fully understand people hacking the msn of people with high ranking jobs etc but hacking swingers? wtf for?

Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.

A word of reality..........
• “Remote Control” has to be enabled by the individual whose computer these so called IT experts wish to access; it isn’t possible to get to “the very heart of the computer just by “chatting” on msn.
• If individuals could access all this information via msnyahoo why do people pay millions of dollarspounds etc to get hackers to devise complex programs and software to obtain this information why don’t they just all use msn
• MSN viruses, Trojans and worms are simple enough to delete. They can only get into your system if you accept pictures from unknown sources. Even if you are unfortunate enough to get one a quick search over the net and you will find a solution that can get rid of it within seconds. (Please feel free to send me mail if you are having any problems with this and i will gladly help you delete them)
• There is no danger of going into a pm with someone on chat as there is no way anyone can “hack your pc” via this route.
• I have been on this site for over 5 years in this time I have NEVER got a virusTrojanworm etc from pm’ing or msn’ing literally hundreds of lovely and genuine people on here.

A word of caution.......
• Don’t allow individuals who attempt to scaremonger spoil your time on here. This site is for fun and adults wishing to enjoy their recreation time. Yes there are a few who spoil it for the rest of us but on the whole there are a lovely crowd of people who welcome other likeminded people warmly. Just come to one of the socials and you will soon discover that for yourselves.
img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.

Firstly agrees with above........... the only real way to encounter spyware and hacking programmes, is if, you go trawling some of the less savory porn sites.......most men whose PC's get hacked or infected with viruses catch them from this source....some of the more astute ones will blame safe sites for the contamination, to avoid problems with their partners.

Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.

Not necessarily so:

There have been cases of people getting trojans and spyware from


type these in Google and see what you find:

Myspace trojans adware

With regards to MSN it probably is possible to get hacked - it is more likely to occur if

1 IF your Microsoft security updates are not upto date

2 You browse with internet explorer with ActiveX, Java and Javascript on.

3 You click on untrusted links ( which try to exploit Iexplores flaws )

4 If there is an MSN vulneralbility that has not been patched known as in the wild threats.

Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.

It is good advice to switch to non microsoft products whenevever possible

Ie change your
Email program
Web Browser
Instant Messenger
Chat Programs
Media Player

There are better alternatives much of which is free.
Better in terms of performance, reliability, memory usage; security
etc etc etc