10:19 pm Thursday, 17th January, 2008
A word about the dangers of MSN Yahoo messenger etc.
10:59 am Friday, 2nd May, 2008
Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.thats scar mongering if ever i have read it, its no more likely than anyother kinbd of intrusion :P |
6:33 pm Friday, 2nd May, 2008
Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.The danger with plagurising too many IT geek forums and articles is that most have an ulterior motive either to sell anti-virus or anti-malware products or they're just trying to make a name for themselves by using exaggerated consipracy type scandal.
7:02 pm Friday, 2nd May, 2008
Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.A word of reality..........
10:19 pm Saturday, 3rd May, 2008
Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.Firstly agrees with above........... the only real way to encounter spyware and hacking programmes, is if, you go trawling some of the less savory porn sites.......most men whose PC's get hacked or infected with viruses catch them from this source....some of the more astute ones will blame safe sites for the contamination, to avoid problems with their partners. |
8:39 am Saturday, 31st May, 2008
Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.Not necessarily so:
8:45 am Saturday, 31st May, 2008
Re: "Getting to know you" on MSN etc.It is good advice to switch to non microsoft products whenevever possible