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i am now officially on my soap box!

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I have never met a woman who is satisfied with their figure, if you enjoy sex why not be open about youself, if you are having sex with someone there is no reason to be reserved it will just put the man off, he obviously wants to have sex with you, being naked won't put him off, the more open (and dirty!) you are the more you will both enjoy it, people are too caught up in there own skin encapsulated ego's created by celebrity magazines and 'beautiful' people telling you how to look, dress, live, eat and feel, only when we realise that we are not special can we really begin to enjoy life. Have sex with as many people as you can, be as nice as you can to every one you meet and you will have a fun life, we have got too pre-occupied and set with our own mundane existance that we have forgotten to search for the meanning of life, what ever that is.

Re: i am now officially on my soap box!

thats very easy to say
alot harder to do
when you first meet people its you they look at then your personality and character they chat to and get to know
for me those extra pounds i have i am very aware of when in a state of undress until maybe the 2nd or 3rd meet with someone, i still have fun and get on with having and giving fun but when i know someone knows me and enjoys time with me and prntr rather than sees me with objective eyes thats when things totally relax for me and its even better

Re: i am now officially on my soap box!

ok point respected, just......

Re: i am now officially on my soap box!

Hello James,

We think this could be the wrong place to set up your soap box, the Oxford Union may be more suitable and you would also be exposed to a wider audience. Being shallow is a fact of life of life for most of us cannon fodder types and not something to be overcome by the writings of an evidently intelligent fellow such as yourself. Not something that will change peoples opinions overnight, more something to carry forward and hope to realise within a century or three.
Most that you write is laudable and true, but we believe that you are probably at present, just another, hopefully only temporarily, lonely male looking for a shag. Welcome to the club.
We trust that you will accept these our thoughts in the spirit that they are intended.
Our very best wishes to you and we hope to be able to read more of your ideas when you attain a little more experience in the ways of mankind, maybe in twenty years from now.
Sadly I do not believe that we will be around to read them, but are sure that they will have changed somewhat by then and be a tad more flexible and contain more in the way of understanding.
Lastly, we ask that you please be kind and advise us if you discover the meaning of life, it would be more than welcomed to hear your theory. If you want the answer to that age old question, send us a private mail and we will gladly give you the verdict.

Regards, J&G

Re: i am now officially on my soap box!

Thankyou for your reply to my soap box add, and yes even through my naivety i have many ideals, theories, and respect to aquire from people like yourselfs and the whole of humanity. If people were only more willing to change. As for my never ending quest to satisfy my unsatiable, sorid lust for 'a shag' it continues. I am currently undertaking my masters degree in music and hope to express the meaning of life of my thoughts thruogh sound, one day i will be happy in my own mind enough to stop caring about trying to change and save the world and settle down with the fact that, inevitably my life was short and sweet, and to no avail. Maybe some time soon we will all stop making love to our ego's, wake up and realise what we have become and in all verasity admit that we need to change, or go the way of truth (all but extinct).