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YAHOO !!! disgusting

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whilst i understand you are born male or female, when you grow up things can change, and it is recognised by law of a certain other type of gender, transexual,,,,,

baby_blue_eyes_4: hun please confirm your gender

baby_blue_eyes_4: if i am right you are male yes

roxy_playmore_heshe: i am transexeual ?

baby_blue_eyes_4: ok so still male

roxy_playmore_heshe: i think you will find if you look it up transexualism is a form of being identified by gender, as transexual

baby_blue_eyes_4: the profile needs to be a male profile still hun. The name can stay as it is thats fine but the profile colour i need to get changed to blue

roxy_playmore_heshe: really,,, well ? you could land yourself in alot of trouble for this,, as i know certain people who refuse to be called male,, and believe me its discrimination

baby_blue_eyes_4: that maybe the case hun but gender wise you are actually male. We have never had a problem with any transexual or transgender having the apropriate colour profile for their actual sex not sexuallity

roxy_playmore_heshe: hmmmm, very interesting and i do find it offensive to have my name in blue, but if they are the rules they are the rules,

baby_blue_eyes_4: sorry hun but they are. As i say its nothing to do with sexuality here and you are more than welcome but we do need to have appropriate profile colours for gender

roxy_playmore_heshe: i know of a certain large company in london who got taken to court because they had a transgendered worker, they refused to change the details from mail, they lost,, !! and what about the gender of transexual ?? what colour for that ?

baby_blue_eyes_4: that would depend if they had changed to male or female hun, if a male changed to female they would have a female profile as they would actually be a full female, and the same the other way round

roxy_playmore_heshe: i think you are wrong, i think you will find by law,, transexual is a gender that must by law be recognised....

baby_blue_eyes_4: i do not dispute that but we have red for females and blue for males, you have male body parts still so you are classed as male

roxy_playmore_heshe: and what about the extra female body parts or the feminisation hormones ?

baby_blue_eyes_4: you are still not a full female yet hun.

roxy_playmore_heshe: lol, and you are legally and morally aloud to pass that dicision are you ? well like i said if they are the rules of yahoo chat you are just doing your job.

baby_blue_eyes_4: yes i am hun and i am sorry that you are not happy. I understand where u are coming from but i cannot change what we have to abide by

roxy_playmore_heshe: like i said, you do what you have to do and perfom your work duties as you think, but io fully disagree and i know of alot who would, the year is 2007 and 1877 ,, i think for such a large group like yahoo its slighty derogatory and quite upsetting and will not be left alone.

love to know your thoughts

Re: YAHOO !!! disgusting

Hi Roxy
I have a very good friend on this site who is a transsexual and has fully changed her gender. She told me about the various laws and obstacles she faced in being recognised as a female so I empathise with you.
What I learnt from her was that in the wake of the Goodwin v UK case in the European Court of Human ights 2002, the Government introduced the Gender Recognition Bill in the House of Lords on 27 November 2003.

This Bill allows transsexual people who have taken decisive steps to live fully and permanently in their acquired gender to gain legal recognition in that gender.

The Bill means that transsexual people are afforded all the rights and responsibilities appropriate to their acquired gender. The Bill gives transsexual people the right, from the date of recognition, to marry in their acquired gender and be given birth certificates that recognise the acquired gender.

In short it would seem that if you have taken decisive steps to reassign your gender (i.e. lived as a woman for 6 months both privately and in public, taken hormone treatments, undergone any gender reassignment surgery) then you acquire these rights.

Hope this helps and gives you some ammunition to ask yahoo to reconsider their decision. Good luck.