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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

sluttieasian2018's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 26 October 2018; Monday, 29 October 2018; Tuesday, 30 October 2018; Wednesday, 31 October 2018; Thursday, 1 November 2018; Friday, 2 November 2018; Monday, 5 November 2018; Tuesday, 6 November 2018; Wednesday, 7 November 2018; Thursday, 8 November 2018 Wanna hangout for dress, shopping or coffee shop then head back my place and play

Would love to hang out with you and then head back to your place and play

Sorry just saw your message, I'd love to get a cup of coffee ??

Sorry just saw your message, I'd love to get a cup of coffee ??

hi im open for tuesday..

Please let me know when and time you are wanna meet I response my direction Thanks

Anyone’s wanna meet up at my place tomorrow. Let me know plz