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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

onyex17's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 20 October 2018; Sunday, 21 October 2018 As the weather is wet for the next few days l thought we could have a Social at my place.Sort of a Games night open to all sugestions.

I would love to join you. Please get in touch and let me know if this is happening... Thank you.

I just received a notification that you replied on this post but I cannot see the reply? Not quite sure how this works...

If you don't get any more replies, would you like me to pop up and play anyway? ??

Hi there seems to be a lack of interest you are the only one.Unless we can get more interested it looks like a dead duck

Am in San Pedro.What are you looking for

I could get to San Pedro in about 25 minutes and am free today if you are. Just looking for some passionate sex, more active than passive. MM or MMF. 

I am free now?

So are we on?

Did he change his mind? Available for the rest of the evening if you would like to get together.