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Parties and meetings for active mature couples.

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We are organizing monthy parties from 3pm onwards at Eureka in north Kent, on the first Monday of each month. We used to run the very succesful Monday parties at Hamshaw. email us through the mail system on this site, or ask questions here.

We welcome all nice couples who are tolerant, polite and fun. Having a strong libido also helps! More on our profile. Most of the women are bi, and most of us like groups. Age range 35 & older. We also welcome younger than 35 if they convince us they like our age group.

Mr & Mrs MadDutch

Re: Parties and meetings for active mature couples.

February dates;

Our First couples only private party at Eureka will be on Monday the 3rd. Contact us here if you want an invite.

The only dates in the month when we are away are the 16th to the 23rd; we will be skiing in the Trois Vallees, France. I know Courchevel very well and this time I will try Meribel, and maybe Val Thorens also.

From the 26th to the 30th Feb we have a bi couple staying at home, and a swinging male friend (Brian, Patsy’s partner) into massage also. Their kids will be with us so fun will have to be very discreet. We may go to Bristol Gardens, a spa with limited nookie in Brighton

The only date fixed for March so far is Monday the 3rd when our group is meeting at the Eureka club; we hope for 30 couples.

If you are coming from abroad Gatwick is the nearest airport, with Southampton, Stansted and Heathrow about the same distance from us. Let us know whether you will rent a car or want us to collect you.

As you can see, a poor month for fun. So come on; any couples up for a date?

Mike & Bada.