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cant meet anyone help

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Hello everyone just wanted to ask if other people find it dificult to meet people on this site have sent messages to various people with not much response, also when you try to search alot of people havn't logged on for more than 30 days am I the only one having a problem connecting with others I have begun to think that there are not so many people who use this site as I was led to believe any advice

Re: cant meet anyone help

dont search with "search" but with "who is online" and filter it the way you like...then you won't get those profiles who are not active any more...

Re: cant meet anyone help

I think you are correct, this site has a small hard core of users and folks who write profiles and then never visit again, so yes i think it is hard to meet people on here.


Re: cant meet anyone help

I agree a lot of people never come back don't know why the site owners keep profiles of people who ain't logged in longer than 30 days.

Re: cant meet anyone help

hi there i too am havin difficulty meetin an new people from this site maybe WE should all meet up and have a ball eh !img src="imagesadultemoticons012.gif"

Re: cant meet anyone help

There are two types of people on this site. Premium members and those who leave.

Re: cant meet anyone help

On the other hand, there are ppl who arrange to meet and then don't turn up!!!

We've had three meets off this site, and could have had more. Not all meets are 'successful', and we know of several ppl who have made arrangements and then been let down.

Try the chat rooms. It can feel very cliquey, but actually it isn't...you just have to join in as if you've been there forever and folks will chat to you, esp if you say "Help!!". We've found getting to know ppl on there helpful, although to be fair 2 of our three meets were not from the room.....

Bottom line? It's hard enough to find someone when you're single. Finding the ;right' other swingers is just as difficult. Maybe try a party? It's not our thing, but it works for lots of people and at least you'll see that you're definitely not alone, even if nothing clicks....

All the best, H&M xx PS Apologies for the bad typing...too much Rioja!