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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Carter031's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Monday, 24 September 2018; Thursday, 27 September 2018; Friday, 28 September 2018; Saturday, 29 September 2018; Sunday, 30 September 2018 Available in the evenings to meet face to face. Happy to arrange a secondary meetingplaytime if we are both on the same page :)

Love to catch up on Monday for a drink. Let me know where. I am available from 7pm

Love to catch up on Monday for a drink. Let me know where. I am available from 7pm

Pick me pick me! Lol

we are free most evening this week message us back

Hi Carter. I'm free to meet about 6 on Thursday

Hi Carter. I'm free to meet about 6 on Thursday

I'm free any of those dates let me know if you keen for a cold one....??

Love to catch up on Monday for a drink. Let me know where. I am available from 7pm

Love to meet in evenings with u 

Love to meet in evenings with u 

I’d like to meet you this afternoon 

I’d like to meet you this afternoon 

I would love to meet up if you are still free soon in the coming weeks to meet before hand for a drink, sorry I missed the main days so far.

Keen on meeting su

Keen on meeting su

Keen on meeting Sunday 

Keen on meeting Sunday 

happy sunday evening to meet if you want

Love to meet up in evening with u